Use Of Green Recycling Bin For Society

Green recycling bin is short in size and green colored garbage container. It can be found in the roads mainly. This container collects the wasted things and sent them for recycling to use if those materials again in our daily life. These green recycling bins are also use for homely purpose. In our house we use many things that can be used again by recycling them. It is very important that those things which you are putting in the green recycling bin have to be dry, clean and loose.
The process of recycling is very essential to our society. Now it is common to use colour bins and rectify which one if for plastics, glasses, cardboards and metals etc. This method is not used by all communities. Being organized by colours each bin should have given a level mark on it which will indicate the material to be put into the recycling bin. The recycling symbol is three arrows which run behind one after another and looking like a triangular loop.
Colors Of The Recycling Bin
There are mainly two colors we found for the recycling bins. First is green and the second one is blue. We called them with the colors like Green recycling bin and Blue recycling bin. The green recycling bin is used for the white and mixed papers only. To guide the public we should give the symbol on the recycling bins to clarify which waste goes to which recycling bins. We can notice this type of green recycling bins in the universities, schools and hospitals.
We should keep in our mind that we can’t recycle things like tissues, napkins, plastic-wrapped paper, paper cups and pizza boxes. The blue recycling bin is for the plastics and metals. This color indicates that all the item of plastics and metals have to put into this blue recycling bin. We can get the bins in various shapes as small, medium and large. There large recycling bins and small recycling bins are available in the local markets.
How To Use The Green Recycling Bin
Always try to keep the green recycling bin dry and bin lid closed. Before putting any cans or bottles into the recycling bin squash them all to give extra space in your bin. Don’t throw any wet and liquid related things in it because it will be not possible to recycle then again. Perhaps a bad smell comes out from it and may disturb you. Those green recycling bin which is used in the roads or any other government sectors is totally free. Free recycling bins are regularly checked by the workers to maintain a healthy society around our house.
Features Of Green Recycling Bin
There are many benefits or features of this green recycling bin. Some of the features and benefits are,
1. Very low in cost and easy movable.
2. In this recycling bin, we can put things like plastics, metals, white and mixed paper.
3. No mechanical or electricity energy needed.
4. Reduced global warming and prevents from greenhouse gas.
5. This green recycling bin is a soilless planting media and makes the people aware of their duties.
6. This recycling bins are absolutely free to use in the society. These bins are provided by the community authorities or by the municipality.
What You Can And Can’t Put In The Green Recycling Bin
We can put these things for recycling into the green recycling bin:
1. Newspapers, magazines, paper and clean cardboards.
2. All the plastic bottles.
3. Plastic food pots, tubs and trays such as margarine tubs, yoghurt pots and ice-cream containers.
4. Wrapping papers and envelopes, greeting cards and junk mails.
5. Jars, glass bottles, empty aerosols.
6. Food and drinks cans of steel and aluminum.
7. Tetra packs and waxed cartons which are used for soups and juices.
Things that we can’t put into the recycling bin are
1. Plastic bags, books, textiles.
2. Polystyrene, batteries, glasses such as drinking glasses, Pyrex ware and broken window panes.
3. Wasted things of food and garden should keep aside in a dustbin. You can also put the food waste into the Food recycling bin.
Importance Of The Green Recycling Bin
If we want to leave this world for the upcoming generation then recycling is very essential to us. It is a good process for nature. Recycling should start in our own house. Don’t throw the old products, use it in a new modified way like this we can actually recycling the thing. The theory of recycling is reducing, reuse and recycles.
It is high time to be conscious of the environment. One can also use the recycling bin for the home and garden bins to put the waste into it and recycle them again. We should recycle the used and old products because to make the environment clean, to save energy and reduced garbage. These bins are very light in weight and one can lift it up with a single hand when it is blank.
A handful number of things that, we could do to save this planet. We can use the green recycling bin at our houses, offices, schools, universities and colleges. The things which can be used again we should put them all into the recycling bin. Do not keep the products or old things that can’t be recycle or not usable again.
Go to your nearest shop to buy a recycle container for every recycling products like plastic, paper and glass and then send them to your local recycle center from recycling those things. Try to avoid the use of plastic bags because they pollute the environment and also help in filling the landfills. We can also see these green recycling bins in the house. We should know how to use it and how to keep the green recycling bin clean and influenced others to use this green recycling bin.